Sunday, July 16, 2006


Even if today I spent my entire day in the calm and peaceful DALLAS, TX busy doing my things (gym and meeting friends) ... my thoughts were all for the escalation of craziness in the MIDDLE EAST ... I lived in TEL AVIV for 3 years ... this was the entrance of the building where I was used to live ...

... and today I was thinking ... who knows if it will be hit by a rocket ... who knows if a rocket will hit the very same building where I was used to live ... sad and strange thougts ... and I thought to all my friends who are still living in ISRAEL and to the innocent people who died in these days not only in ISRAEL but also in LEBANON and in PALESTINE ... to me they are all the same ... and none of them deserved to die or to suffer ... I don't know ... even if we got used to it ... it is such a nonsense ... the only thing that I can say is a sentence that I read once in my favorite book about the Middle East conflict (i.e. "Righteous Victims: A History of the Zionist-Arab Conflict, 1881-2001" by Benny Morris) ... which was saying pretty much this ... Until Arab and Jewish won't realize that each other LOVE this piece of land as much as the other do ... they will continue to kill each other without reaching anything ... if I remember correctly the sentence was said by a Palestinian leader back in 1880s ... when the first Zionist immigrants were landing in the Jaffo harbor and they start to build their first settlements ... and the tensions with the local Arab populations started ... creating a cycle of violence that is still there. Personally I believe that this simple sentence explains everything ... and it is the root of the problem ... even if it is such a nonsense that this great LOVE has as a consequence this endless violence, or maybe it is not a nonsense. I am still daydreaming that the leaders of these countries will make a speech explaining this to their people ... we LOVE this piece of land in the same way ... let's stop fighting for it! Definitely the Middle East need wise leaders of the stature of Nelson Mandela ... who after 30 years in the South African jails ... in his first public speech spoke about the common LOVE that white and black shared for the country and about reconciliation rather than retaliation ... but probably I am just daydreaming ... :o

1 comment:

Anonymous said... more not only for the people of our same religion...or country....or opinions....but also a very simple solution....
...mmmm....politicians should think about this.....

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