Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Travelling so much I take a lot of TAXIS ... especially from my place to LAX and vice versa ... and I like to chitchat with the TAXI DRIVERS ... and I think that in these 3 years in US I never met any American ... and they really work hard ... 8-10 hours a day 7 days a week ... seating and driving all day in the crazy LA traffic (*) ...

... most of them are waiting for a better opportunity ... all of them would like to do a different job ... I remember one of them telling me "The TAXI DRIVER is not a real job ... you do it waiting for something better".... none of them really find the promised land in USA, but very few would really like to go back to their country ... all of them like to speak about politics ... they are good companion of my trips ... after I am speaking with them ... I feel really lucky ... I am also a foreign worker here in US, but I believe I have been luckier than them, so far.

(*) I shoot these picture last FRIDAY on my way back home from LAX after the flight SEA-LAX. Now I can't remember the name of the driver (I have such a bad name for names) ... and he was originally from UCRAINE.


Anonymous said...

You should see a movie and read a book. The movie is "Collateral", with Tom Cruise asking about the taxi driver job to Jamie Foxx and the book is "taxi driver wisdom", a collection of sentences said by taxi drivers in NYC!


Anonymous said...

My offer always stands - anytime, anywhere - always a pleasure - the ride is free!
(you can even sit in the back if you want!!)

Andrea said...

Actually I saw the movie .. really cool ... especially because it is all shot in LA ... XA

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