Sunday, June 25, 2006


FORTH WORTH, TX is so close to DALLAS that con be confused with a detached suburb of DALLAS (even the airport is called DALLAS FORT WORTH) ... at least this is what I thought until I check on my touring guide if there was anyhing interesting in FORT WORTH ... and what I found out is the two city are really different ... it has a different history (it was used to be much richer than DALLAS) ... a different attitude (FORT WORTH loves to be the COWTOWN ... while DALLAS wants to be more upscale) ... and it looks to me more "real" than DALLAS ... it has a downtown with a very nice area called SUNDANCE SQUARE ... full of restaurants, pub and coffee shops ... all surrounded by skyscprapers ...
In FORT WORTH there is also the STOCKYARDS AREA which is more than 2 miles out of downtown ... and there I spent most of my day ... really cool ... and apparently there is the CULTURAL DISTRICT where there are very good museums ... but today I didn't really have time to visit them ... next time I will do it ... so my suggestion is .... if you will ever come to DALLAS ... don't miss to visit FORT WORTH ... :D

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