Sunday, March 18, 2007


OK. This is gonna be cheesy. I hope you won't mind. I think it perfectly matches my mood of the last weeks. So better I will write it straight. Stanley & Elizabeth are that kind of people who make you believe that real love exists. That love is forever. And that love is timeless. So you will wonder who Stanley and Elizabeth are? Stanley & Elizabeth is this wonderful couple ...I saw them today for the first time in my life and I loved them. They were dancing today in the Hermosa pier or the follow up of the St. Patrick day party. They were so nice that whoever passed by stopped there to watch them. Everybody. They were like shining there. Like a magic couple. Smiling and dancing like angels. Even the singer at the end did cheer them and thanking them for the show they gave. And two little sisters were so attracted from what Stanley & Elizabeth were able to transmit that they went to dance themselves. It has been really so sweet. Seem like these 2 generations, distant something like 80 years were able to communicate without any word ...At the end Stanley & Elizabeth came to seat beside Tina & I. So we start chit chatting and I ask him where he was from and other useless questions. He came out they are originally from Jamaica. that explains a lot about their dancing skills. He is a WWII veteran. Like my grandpa. Two different sides of the barricade, though. At least for some years. We were laughing about it with Stanley. Nice that war is only in the museums, where it belongs.

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