Saturday, March 03, 2007


An other weekend of wonderful travelling. Tina and I decided to go driving and camping and exploring the California coast between San Francisco and LA. Actually not all the coast. We wanted to drive the Big Sur, the rugged and wonderful coast between Monterey, CA and San Simeon, CA. The road you need to drive has one of magical names that I heard since I can remember. California Route 1. This highway is known with lots of names. PCH (Pacific Coast Highway), Highway 1, Route 1, California Route 1. It is the same that is passing by my place also in Hermosa. Of course the leg that is crossing LA is interesting, but it is not as magical as the Big Sur part. And even if this wasn't my first time there, I needed a little bit of guidance.S so I pulled out from my bookshelf the Lonely Planet of California ...

... we hoped for a sunny weekend, we bought some fruit and bread, we charged the battery of the camera, we filled the tank with gas and we set the alarm clock for Saturday @ 5AM. Of course the alarm clock didn't work (my fault) and we didn't wake up till 7.30AM. Ehehehe. The sun was already high, bright and warm when we started driving. We drove inland all the way North to Monterey, CA. Even if it wasn't the main scope of the trip, that has been a very nice drive, as well. The freeway 5 is crossing the heart of the California that is producing fruits and vegetables for the hungry American nation. In this period the scenery is wonderful. All the trees are blooming. All the landscape is filled with bright colors, red, white, pink, yellow, different colors depending on the trees. Wonderful. I guess I was lucky to set up wrongly the alarm clock, so I saw this wonderful scenery. I stopped also to take a picture. I guess these are almonds, but I am not 100% sure ...

I have lots of pictures and stories. I will update them in the next days. If you can hold on.

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