Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Today I was speaking with my neighbour Loy ... we discussed about the differences between European and American people ... I think we spoke for half hour and at the end he came out with this brilliant catch phrase I never heard before ... Americans buy things they don't need, with money they don't have, in order to impress people they don't even know ... that left me speechless. That is exactly what I had in mind. Yes. This phrase explains a lot about the American psyche. Accurate but pretty scary, though.


Anonymous said...

That sounds like a pretty accurate assessment to me about a majority of people here :)

Anonymous said...

The Americans consumption habits is the essence of the Americans psyche ?

Anonymous said...

consumer being consumed!!!!

Andrea said...

"The Americans consumption habits is the essence of the Americans psyche?" After 4 years living in the country of the endless opportunities ... my conclusion is "absolutely yes" ... XA

Anonymous said...

So people psyche can be judged by their consumption habits only. Accurate but pretty scary conclusion.

Andrea said...

I am not sure if you just pulling my legs ... but ... I accept the challenge ... so ... what I wrote was diffent ... "This phrase explains a lot about the American psyche.". A lot doesn't mean everything. Ciao. XA

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