Thursday, May 17, 2007


Here I am. I am in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. I am in Puerto Rico. First time for me. The first thing that I learn flying here is that, with Miami and Bermuda, this is one of the three corners of the Bermuda Triangle. Kind of scary if you think that I read about it on the plane on my way to here. Anyways, I got here safe and sound. So I guess it was not my time, yet ... As soon as I land, I realize that there is something even more strange. Big time strange. Coming from the US, there is no passport control. And there is a reason. Even if it has a flag, an Olympic team, a Miss that every year participates to the Miss Universe contest, these islands are not a country. They are in the US commonwealth. Do you want to get really confused? Here you go ... Puertoricans are US citizens, but their country is not US. And they can't even claim that their country is Puerto Rico, because Puerto Rico is not a country. More? The Puerto Rico currency is the USD (i.e. US dollar). But they are not a US state. They should be the 51st state, but they are not. I just learn that three times (1967, 1993 and 1998) the people of Puerto Rico have refused to become an indipendent country, but at the same time they have also refused to become the US 51st state, as well. They just enjoy to be in the US Commonwealth. Looks like they don't really want to became adult. Kind of Peter Par syndrome, I would say :) So, wherever you go, there is this schizophrenic situation where you see more US flags here than in US itself ...... good thing is that for every American flag, there is also a Puertorican flag beside. These guys are really messed up, I am telling you. But they like it, so I think the problem is mine, not theirs. BTW ... this is what I like about travelling. The more I travel, the more I realize that there is no right and wrong. There are only different ways to see the same thing. Everybody should travel more. It would avoid a lot of wars. Last, but not least ... there is something that I definitely like about Puerto Rico ... they don't have an army!

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