Wednesday, May 23, 2007


I took this pictures few days ago in San Juan, Puerto Rico. And I really like it. Since I can remember I always wondered why the birds like to rest on the telephone and power cables. When I was a kid I dared to ask more, and I ask the same question to grown people. But I don't remember anybody really giving me a convincing answer. And still here they are, the pigeons on their preferred resting place ...But thinking about it, maybe there is a reason. They go there because it is the only place that the pigeons themselves didn't manage to spoil, yet. In that sense they are not very different from us (i.e. human beings). We are polluting the cities and after all, we go to rest as far as possible, where the pollution didn't spoil everything, yet.


Anonymous said...

Andrea, I wondered and asked too about the reason for the birds to rest on the cables.
Someone gave me this imo good and realistic reason: the electric power warms the cables.

Andrea said...

I think I was told the same when I was a kid ... but what if there are 35C like in Puerto Rico? That theory seems too easy to explain that ... :) What do you think? XA

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