Tuesday, May 08, 2007


North Carolina, The First in Flight. I read it all day on the car license plates while I was driving. But I didn't really pay much attention to it. I knew what it meant. It is the story of the Wright brothers. They were used to have a bicycle factory. But their dreams were bigger than that bicycle shop. Their dream was to fly. Everybody want to fly. The fact is that at that time, nobody invented airplanes yet. So, they decide to invent an airplane. and they actually managed to fly. It was on December 1903. Just 100 years ago.Isn't that amazing? Last year I was lucky enough to see the copy of that original first plane at the American History Museum in Washington DC. But during this trip I have been even luckier. I was basically driving in the Outer Banks in North Carolina ...The wind was ferocious. I have never seen anything like this. And suddenly in the the side of the road I see the sign "Wright Brother National Memorial" 5 miles ahead. And there you go after 5 miles, the memorial ...

Unfortunately I got there at 8PM and it was closed. But it is an open area and I saw the hill from where the first man flew. Pretty exciting. And you know all that wind that I saw? It made sense ... no place was better to attempt a flight ... maybe they just made a big kite ... and they call it airplane ... :)

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