Friday, May 25, 2007


Two weeks ago I got the news. My company had decided that by the end of the year I will have to relocate. At the begin they ask me to move to Dallas, TX. But after some bargain I managed to be relocated to Washington DC. Definitely more expensive than Dallas, but a much better place to live and to work, I guess. Even if I will miss big time the wonderful California lifestyle, I am excited. It is a new adventure for me. A big adventure. After the West coast with Seattle and LA it is now the time to move to East coast, I am moving to DC! And of course I am already planning it like if it would be a journey. Starting from the moving itself ... Tina and I want to drive all the way to DC ...Just 2,676 miles across all America. A real coast to coast journey. An other dream journey for me. I can't wait ... :D

1 comment:

AllEyesAllEars said...

I hope that this turns out to be as wonderful as it sounds. Good luck and have fun on your cross country trip, an adventure in itself. DC is definitely a big change from the West Coast but we all need new experiences. We need to test our different taste buds!

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