Saturday, May 19, 2007


An other day in the old city of San Juan. Today I decided to wander thru the tiny street of the city. It is still very hot, and more than that it is really humid. These tiny street are really a blessing. There is always some shade to enjoy, and there is also the architecture to enjoy. It is not probably the best architecture you can find in the Caribe. But it is definitely worth the visit. It was nice to go around, without any plan, and take pictures of these colourful buildings. Stop to some bar for a refreshment. Speak with the wonderful locals, always keen to give some suggestions. And leave again for an other city tour. That is the way I really enjoy a vacation. Just wandering without any real plan. So, here some pictures of the Old San Juan, Puerto Rico streets ...

I loved the colors and the high density of the buildings. It reminded me of the European cities. But of course San Juan, is not just tiny streets and small buildings. There are also the buildings of the power and the old monastery. These are definitely the most impressive to see, even if they are a little bit too "cold for me" ...And of course there are also nice statues all over the city. This is the one that I enjoyed the most ...

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