Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Sven is Leif brother. He has been our guest for a couple of weeks here in Hermosa. And he is a great guy. But I think I will remember him not just for that. I will remember him for the ashtray that he managed to fill day after day after day. Yes, Sven is a smoker. And here he is today, his last day, at breakfast in the porch with his coffee and cigarette ...I lived with people smoking, my dad was used to smoke, my mom is smoking, my brother was used to smoke, Leif himself was used to smoke as well. But I think this is the ultimate ashtray. Not sure now who will clean it ... :)

1 comment:

deathsweep said...

Maybe Sven needs to take it with him to be sure he'll have it on his next visit?


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