Thursday, June 14, 2007


You remember I told you I was moving to Washington DC? OK, when I wrote it, I was damn sure that was the truth. I also sign an agreement with HR for that. But apparently it is never going to happen. Today my boss call me and he ask my availability to move to Seattle, WA. He explain my new possible job. I accepted. So, here I am. By the end of the year, I will have to move to Seattle, WA ...... city that I really love and where I lived already back in 2003. I am really happy to go back. I have some very good friends there. I will still be in the West coast. And the outdoors are just great there. Very close there are the Mont Ranier National Park, Olympic NP, Glacier NP, Yellowstone NP, Grand Teton NP, Canada, all the Pacific North West, the Pacific Ocean. I am really excited. And also in this case Tina and I are planning to drive there. It will be an exciting drive. All the US West coast ... :)

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