Friday, June 22, 2007


Sometimes I even work. That's right. Not sure why I am writing it. Probably because more than a friend, checking my blog ask me if a part of travelling I was still working. Yes, I am still working. I took these pictures today. This is how your phone calls look like. Basically all your phone calls are transformed in electric signal, they go through colorful wired cables ...... are pasteurized, transformed in bits, mixed with other bits and routed to your friend / partner / lover / boss phone through these cabinets ...
... so what am I doing in all this? A way to see my work is that I need to make sure that all this works and that the other person understand what you are saying on the phone. 99.9% of the time I am doing it seating in an office in front of a computer. An other way to see it, is that I am having a fair exchange. I trade my knowledge, creativity, passion and most important my time for money. Money that I will try to spend travelling as much as I can. Yes basically with my work I am fund raising my Walk the Earth ... :) ... I think that is the best way to describe it ... :)

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