Tuesday, April 03, 2007


The adventure at the Sequoia NP started like this,with a picture at the entrance sign. Quite an historical sign in the US history if you think that this is the second US National Park (after Yellowstone) ...And of course the main attraction the park are the sequoia trees. Before coming here I thought these were the tallest tree on Earth, but I learn they are not. The tallest trees are the redwood, the sequoia are biggest by volume, and of course they are pretty thick. Here some of the small one, the one you can touch ...Funny to think that these huge trees are coming from the seeds (as small as oat flakes) contained in this small cone ...And of course the road that is crossing the park is pretty impressive, I had to take this picture, fortunately not many cars were around, so I didn't slow down any traffic ...And this is the famous General Sherman, the biggest living thing on Earth. Not the tallest tree and not the oldest tree neither ...Everything here in the park is huge and really stunning. I saw lots of pictures of the park before coming here, but there is nothing like visit it and just wander around these giants. It is the first time for me here, but I think I will come again. Here some other pictures of the park ...We left the park in the evening, and we drove directly into the King's Canyon NP, where we went camping. A pretty interesting adventure, considering that the lower was ~ 36F(i.e. 2C) ...if you are interested you will have to wait for the next post to read about that adventure ... :D

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