Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Become a photojournalist. This is one of the many dreams that I have for my life. And tonite I found the perfect explanation for my dream. After Jason finish to watch TV, he left but of course he didn't switch if off. I stopped in front of it. I just wanted to switch it off. I hate TV. I probably watch it once every 6 months. But I change my mind. The images of exotic places were broadcasted. The images were from Vietnam and the comment was from a photojournalist. And my brain has been kidnapped by a sentence that the photojournalist said ... I am a photojournalist because since I was a kid I had this incredible curiosity for the world ... that is exactly what I feel myself. Not sure if I will never ever become a photojournalist. For the time being, I really enjoy filling my blog with pictures and stories of the places that I visit ... :D

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