Monday, April 16, 2007


It has been almost three months now without surfing. Last week I really wanted to go out, but the wind was really annoying. And the waves were really big. I didn't want to break an other boar. So I waited. But this evening, I didn't have any more excuse. It was just perfect. So I took my wetsuit and I went out. Of course I am completely out of shape. I can't rally paddle for long. But it was really nice. I even caught a couple of good waves. And it is also nice to have, at the end of the day, the wetsuit hanging out of your place ... even if after the dark it may scary the people who don't know about it ... from far away it really looks a person hanging ... and it did happen tonite ... when our guest, a German friend of Leif, stepped out of the side door and saw it ... she almost had a heart attack ... :O

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