Friday, November 09, 2007


An other day in the city of Patan, Nepal. Not a big surprise that I missed all the museums and I just wander around this wonderful town. And I couldn't stop to be amazed on how important is rice for the people here. The harvesting season has just started and the dry has to be dried and cleaned. And it is such a wonderful thing to see how life can be simple, sometimes. This is the rice left there during the night, in front of a small temple, covered by carpets ... And this is the same rice spread to dry up. And women working on it. Really beautiful ... And I am thinking to all of us, in the Western world, how far we are from the the simple life of Nepal. And, again, I am not sure who is really missing something here. The Nepali who have never seen an iPod or us, who don't even know where the rice is coming from ...

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