Sunday, December 30, 2007


This is it. This is the time to leave. The time when my room is completely empty. The time when I have to leave my keys to someone else. The time when I have to close the door behind me. I lived here more than 4 years now. I still remember when I came here for the first time to see a "room for rent with shared bathroom". It was October 2003, and Jake was waiting for me. And after few months Leif came. And Jake left. And Leif left as well. Today Aaron is not even here to say goodbye. Jason is here. He didn't go to the gym, just to give me the final hug. It is time to leave. But I am not sad. I am actually happy for the wonderful time that I have spent here. I have learn a lot in these years. And I have shared a lot of love with these places and my friends. And I just hope that I will be able to be as happy as this also in Seattle ...

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