Saturday, August 18, 2007


Leif himself decided the name. And he decide for "Leif's Last BBQ". And this is really his last BBQ. He is leaving on August 31st. Sad to think about it, but he is going back to Germany. In the morning I won't see anymore his happy face. I won't be able anymore to complain anymore about the dirty dishes in the sink. My German brother is leaving the house. Uuuufffff. I am a little bit sad, but I guess this is what my life is. I make great friends and after a while I have to detach from them. But I never loose contact with them. Anyways, going back to the party. Leif decided to put on the walls and windows pictures of his 3.5 years here in US. Kind of cheesy, but effective, I would say ...I didn't take a lot of pics, but here some random ones ...Here is when Jason pulled out the funnel and we started funneling the beer. Leif didn't make it. Shame on him. Jason is showing his disapproval to Leif ...The party was definitely one of the best we had in our place. We had a bunch of friends coming. Everybody cheering Leif. We had a good time from 5PM till 3AM ... when finally Leif & Ming hammered by too many drinks gave up ...Difficult to describe my feelings. It is like see a brother leave. Difficult to accept. But again life goes on. And I am sure that e will come to visit us in Seattle soon ... :D

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