Thursday, July 26, 2007


5 days spent in New Jersey with long hours in the office, even more hours working from the hotel room and no much fun. Not sure why but I feel a kind of uncomfortable when I come here in NJ for work. And Ibecause of some serious traffic jam, I even managed to miss my flight on Friday on my way back to LA. And the one that I took, for some strange reason, was almost 1 hour in the runway. So I had plenty of time to take some pictures. I had also the chance to enjoy the sunset ...... I can't really complain about this trip. Business wise it was really good. I really hope that my customer will buy the "box" I presented him. If it will happen I will have the chance to come back for at least an other couple of weeks. And if it will really happen, I won't spend all my time here in Jersey. I am going to visit the city. Promised.

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