Saturday, July 28, 2007


So, here we are. Leif is leaving and we have to look for a new roommate for the "Tiki Hut", "Surf Club" and the "Hotel California" ...... the way it works here is pretty simple, but interesting. There are 2 - 3 websites where you wan to put the vacancy., and Candidates call. We set an interview. Normally we try to review at least 4 - 5 guys. At the end we take the decision. The person has to fill an application. The landlord runs a check on the credentials and on the credit history, and is telling us if the candidate we pick up is a good candidate or not. Jason, for example, believe it or not, was our second choice when we had to fill Jake's room. But the guy that we picked had an horrible credit history. So there we go. We went for the plan B, Jason. And I amglad that we did. I will let you know who will replace Leif. Hopefully he will be as cool and real as Leif. BTW ... if you never lived here in US, I guess you will wonder what the Credit History is. Well, that is a very long and funny story. I will explain that an other day ... :)

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