Sunday, January 06, 2008

VOLCANOES on the way ...

Still in California. Almost in Oregon. Our driving to Seattle is nothing but boring. Although we didn't manage to make any major stop along the way, the views from the truck are really stunning and full of surprises. These are two of the mountains that we saw along the way. Mt. Shasta and Marys peak. Mt. Shasta is the snow capped ...Both of them are volcanoes. Actually most of the Pacific North West mountains are actually volcanoes ... Mt. Rainier, Mt. St. Elen, Mt. Olympus. I think we will have fun up in Seattle. Tina and I have this secret dream to start climbing. And Mt. Rainier is one of the mountains that we would like to climb ... but who knows, maybe we will come back here to California to climb also Mt. Shasta and Marys Peak ... :D

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