Wednesday, September 12, 2007


In this map, kindly provided by Google Earth, there is all my excitement and the happiness for my next adventure. Actually our next adventure. NeNe & I, just came back from the Alaska trip, landed in LA, did some laundry and we are ready to fly to Hawaii. We will be in the Oahu island in Hawaii for 5 days ... yeeeaaahhhh ...
... I need to go to Honolulu for a business meeting, but because of the meeting preparation, the post meeting discussion and the weekend, we will be there for 5 days. Of course we will try to have as much fun as possible, we will definitely surf in Waikiki and we will drive all the island. And of course, I will put some pictures and stories on the blog ... stay tuned ... :)

1 comment:

Italian Film Series said...

Ciao Andri! grazie del commento sul mio blog di cinema e complimenti per le meravigliose foto del vostro viaggio!
in bocca al lupo per il prossimo,


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