Sunday, April 30, 2006


A couple of days ago, after I wrote the post where I mentioned ANDREA's wise words (i.e. "you will get old when you will start thinking that you can't do anymore certain things") , I wrote him an email with the link to the post. More than 1 year was basically passed without any email ... last time we wrote to each other he was ready to pack his stuff for a second trip to THAILAND, which he really liked during his first trip.
ANDREA replied me back yesterday ... and I found out that back in JANUARY he quit his job and decided to take an amazing 3 months trip that bring him across the BUDDHIST WORLD of Nepal, Bhutan, India, Thailand, China, Japan and Korea ... reading his email I was at the same time STUNNED by his words and CERTAIN that he was doing the right thing. ANDREA is such a CREATIVE and in a way (i.e. the wise way) FEARLESS guy ... this trip is exactly the type of things that only an amazing person like ANDREA can do.
ANDREA has also a new website ... ... and I have to say that it is simply amazing ... I spent 2 hours last night browsing through the - few but incredibly powerful - words and photos he decided to put there ... you have to look at it, I am sure you will love it ... and I am sure that even if you don't know him, he will make your day brighter and happier ... and there you will find, of course, also the meaning of the word LOCHAN.

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