Sunday, April 23, 2006


An other day in DC. No museums ... but a cemetery ... but not just a cemetery ... the ARLINGTON CEMETERY. ARLINGTON is basically a military cemetery but at the same time it is also the most famous of the US NATIONAL CEMETERIES, a NATIONAL SHRINE and it shelters the dead bodies of VETERANS OF ALL THE US WARS, US PRESIDENTS and the most prominent US OFFICIALS. It is built on a hill, the former property of the CONFERDERATE GENERAL ROBERT E. LEE and in a clear day like today offers gorgeous views of DC.

The visit to military cemetery always fascinated me ... all these regular tombstones give me a sense of equality and serenity ...

... although I can't really believe that anybody buried here deserved to die so young ... like the KIDS who are dying everyday in IRAQ ... this picture represents just a minor section of the wall with the last casulaties ...

Among the most visited tombs there are the ones of the KENNEDY BROTHERS ... JFK and ROBERT ... both killed by who knows whom ... here JFK who was killed in DALLAS, TX ...

... and here ROBERT F. KENNEDY who was killed in LOS ANGELES, CA ...

I liked the visit ... when you will visit DC don't miss it ... you can spend 3 good hours going up and down the prettiest hill in Washington DC, now seeded with the bodies of dead kids and question if all these wars and killings were necessary. I have my idea ... but I am not sure if it is so popular ... so better I keep it for myself ... :o

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